Phos potassium
1.00EGP 0.00EGP
Phosphorus: 9%
Potassium: 47%
Compound benefits
Phos-potassium fertilizer is characterized by its rapid absorption, therefore, because the elements are loaded with amino acids, carboxylic acids, and monosaccharides.
The compound is characterized by the presence of phosphorus in two forms: phosphate as a nourishment and phosphate as a prevention and treatment of
Fungal diseases such as: downy and powdery mildew diseases in onions, cucumbers, cantaloupes, and grapes
Phytoncera fungal diseases, such as: late blight in potatoes and tomatoes
Pythium and Fusarium fungal diseases on: vegetable and fruit seedlings (root rot)
It also contains potassium, as well as zinc and magnesium. Therefore, the potassium phosphate compound has a major role in plants, especially in raising the plant’s immunity. Potassium phos fertilizer also works to increase the efficiency of the process of flowering, setting, and growth of the fruit stage in different crops, which increases the size of the crop and the quality in terms of color. The shape and taste
Dosage and frequency of use:
Application and time of use, usage rates and yield
Foliar spraying every 7 days during the crop growth period (vegetative, floral, fruitful) 1-3 cm/liter of water for vegetables
(tomatoes - potatoes - onions - cucumbers - cantaloupe)
Fertilizing with water. Irrigation 3 days after transplanting. Repeat 2 times a week. 1-1/2 liter/acre. Vegetables (after transplanting)
Foliar spraying every 7 days during the period of vegetative growth, flowering, and fruiting. 2-4 cm/liter of water for fruit and ornamental plants.
The addition is made with head water every 10 days during the growing season, 5 cm per 8 liters for fruit seedlings and ornamental plants (seedlings).
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26.1%: phosphorus
22.7%: potassium
Compound features
Anti fertilizer is fast absorbed because the elements carry amino acids, carboxylic acids and monosaccharides. The compound is characterized by the presence of phosphorus in two forms: Phosphate as nutrition and phosphate as prevention and treatment of: Fungal diseases such as: Downy mildew and mealybug diseases in onions Cucumber Cantaloupe Grapes
3- Diseases of the fungus of Fitunshra such as: late blight in potatoes and tomatoes
2- Diseases of pythium fungi and fusarium on: seedlings of vegetables and fruits (root rot).
It also contains potassium and also zinc and magnesium, so the Ante compound has a major role in the plant, especially in raising plant immunity, and also works Ante fertilizer to raise the efficiency of the flowering process, nodes, growth and development of fruits in different crops, which increases the size of the crop and quality in terms of color, shape and taste
Dosage and rate of use:
Fertilization (root rot) immediately after seedling and 500 cm / acre
. Fertilization ( Niol Fusarium ) : liter / acre .
Spraying (fungal infection such as downy mildew, mealybug and pollin): 500 cm / 200 liters of water
99 in stock
chemical composition
Calcium: 20%
Compound features
Calcium nitrate: A liquid fertilizer that contains calcium in the form of calcium nitrate. Therefore, it is an easy-to-absorb fertilizer for plants and treats calcium deficiency.
Liquid calcium nitrate fertilizer is used through modern irrigation methods, as well as sprayed on the leaves*
The importance of calcium for plants
Calcium plays a major role in the process of assimilation of enzymes and neutralizing the acidity of the alkaline solution
Calcium plays a major role in resisting some diseases that affect plant leaves by nourishing the cell walls
Calcium gives good characteristics to fruits in terms of shape, storage and marketing
Usage rates
Ground use: from 10:2 liters/acre, depending on age and type of crop
Foliar use: 2-3 cm/liter of water during the vegetative, flowering and fruiting growth stages
P : % 43 ( وزن / حجم )
بوتاسيوم K : % ۲۸
( وزن / حجم ) ماغنسيوم : أ % ( وزن / حجم )
Compound benefits
فوسفيت :
يزيد ويعزز من النمو الجذري يحسن الطعم والتخزين ولون محاصيل الفاكهة نتيجة تمكين النبات من زيادة المواد الصلبة وتحسين خواص الثمار .
يحسن النظام المناعي للنبات حيث يعمل على تحسين مستوى مقاومة النبات للأمراض الفطرية حيث يقي من :
القرعيات و البياض الزغبي والنقيقي و عفن التاج الجذري و البطاطس والطماطم و اللفحة المبكرة
والمتأخرة وعفن الجذور و البياض الزغبي والدقيقى و الفراولة وعفن الجذور والثمار
و الحمضيات و عفن جذور الحمضيات و التفاح
• العنب
Dosage and rate of use:
Application and time of use, usage rates and yield
Foliar spraying every 7 days during the crop growth period (vegetative, floral, fruitful) 1-3 cm/liter of water for vegetables
(tomatoes - potatoes - onions - cucumbers - cantaloupe)
Fertilizing with water. Irrigation 3 days after transplanting. Repeat 2 times a week. 1-1/2 liter/acre. Vegetables (after transplanting)
Foliar spraying every 7 days during the period of vegetative growth, flowering, and fruiting. 2-4 cm/liter of water for fruit and ornamental plants.
The addition is made with head water every 10 days during the growing season, 5 cm per 8 liters for fruit seedlings and ornamental plants (seedlings).
Total nitrogen
Ammonium nitrogen
Nitrate nitrogen
Benefits of the Hyperroute vehicle:
A new combination of a group of vitamins, organic, amino and carboxylic acids, as well as a high concentration of phosphorus, which facilitates absorption and has a small molecular size. Therefore, complete absorption of the phosphorus element occurs, and the concentration of phosphorus within the plant increases, thus increasing the carrot total, and the results appear quickly after use.
Hyperroot is characterized by containing free phosphorus that is easy and quickly absorbed, and the organic, amino, and carboxylic acids act as a chelating substance, so it can be used in the flowering and setting stages.
Dosage and usage rates
In case of root activation: 2 liters/acre and repeated
In case of flowering: 5 liters/acre and repeated
Foliar spraying: 202 cm/liter of water
نيتروجين : %6
فوسفور: 6 %
بوتاسيوم: 43 %
Benefits of the compound:
Compound benefits
Manufactured from high-quality raw materials that are soluble and quickly absorbed
.سماد يحتوي عالي نسبه عالية من البوتاسيوم غني بنترات البوتاسيوم سريع الذوبان والامتصاص لذلك يسخدام في تحجيم الثمار وزياده الانتاج
.سماد مصدر الفوسفور سريع الذوبان والامتصاص
. High-purity crystalline fertilizer that is completely soluble in water
.حامضى التاثير مما يزيد من صلاحية العناصر الصغرى والكبرى للامتصاص
. يزيد التفريع في كل من شتلات محاصيل الخضار والفاكهة
Usage rates
stage to use | Dosage (kg/acre/day) | The crop |
Immediately after transplanting | 2-3 | Vegetables |
Before flowering | 2-4 | the fruit |
Branching stages | 1.5-2 | Field crops |
سماد ورقي
جيل التركيب نيتروجين : ۶۲۰ – احماض امينية 45 % . ماغنسيوم %۱
امينوجيل سماد ورقي في صورة جيل يحتوي على نيتروجين وماغنسيوم واحماض أمينية حرة لجميع محاصيل الخضر والفاكه لتنشيط التمثيل الغذائي وزيادة طاقة النبات .
يحتوي على تركيز عالي من النيتروجين والاحماض الأمينية الحرة التي تقلل من تأثير الإجهاد الناتج عن الحرارة العالية والصقيع . يزيد بشكل عالي من النمو الخضري الزهري والثمري .
يساعد على تكوين الأوكسينات المسئولة عن عملية الاستطالة في السيقان وكذلك نمو البراعم يحتوي على عنصر الماغنسيوم الذي يدخل في عملية تكوين الكلوروفيل . برفع من انتاجية الفدان بشكل ملحوظ .
Usage rates
يضاف من 1-5 سم / لتر ماء ويكرر كل 10 ايام
75 in stock
مكونات السماد
العناصر |
التركيز ( % ) |
الفوسفور ( p ) |
15 % , 12.5 % |
الكالسيوم (CaO) |
4.5 % |
الكبريت (S) |
2.5 % |
يعتبر من اكثر الاسمدة الفوسفاتية استخداما فى مرحلة تجهيز التربة قبل بداية الزراعة وفى بداية موسم النمو لمختلف انواع الاشجار نثراً على سطح التربة
ثم يخلط مع طبقة سطح التربة أثناء الحرث حيث يتميز بأنه سماد ذو تأثير ممتد المفعول يحتوى على عنصر الفسفور الضرورى للنبات كما يحتوى على الجبس
والذى يعتبر مصدر امداد النبات بعنصر الكالسيوم بالاضافة الى تأثيره المفيد فى زيادة نسبة الكالسيوم المتبادل وبالتالى تحسين الخواص الطبيعية للتربة
أهمية إستخدام المركب
غذاء رئيسى للنبات له تآثير طويل المفعول
يوجد الفسفور فى صورة سهلة الإمتصاص عن طريق الجذور مما يؤدى إلى زيادة نسبة الإنبات والإزهار
الفوسفور يحسن من جودة الثمار والخضر والحبوب و إمتلاء القرون فى البقوليات
الفسفور عنصر هام فى جميع التفاعلات الإنزيمية اللازمة لتكوين وترحيل المركبات الكربوهيدراتية مما يزيد من جودة المنتج
الفسفور عصر هام فى عملية التمثبل الضوئى والتنفس ونقل وتخزين الطاقة داخل النبات
الفسفور أحد المركبات الهامة فى نواة الخلية و ذلك لأن وجوده أساسى لإتمام عملية إنقسام الخلية
يساعد على سرعة النضج و تكوين البذور
الكالسيوم عنصر هام فى مقاومة النبات للملوحة
الكبريت عنصر هام فى تنشيط العقد البكتيرية مما يرفع من معدلات تكوين البروتين
يخزن لمدة طويلة دون أن يتحجر
يخدم الأرض لأكثر من محصول على مدار السنة الزراعية
يخلط مع الاسمدة العضوية والكمبوست و لا يخلط مع معظم المبيدات
مواعيد و طرق التسميد
يضاف السماد خلال مراحل النمو الأولى للنبات لزيادة و تقوية المجموع الجذرى
يضاف فى مرحلة تكوين البراعم الزهرية لتحسين الأزهار والعقد
يستخدم لجميع المحاصيل الحقلية و محاصيل الخضر و الفاكهة
بالنسبة للمحاصيل الحقلية والخضروات المحمية و المكشوفة
ينثر السماد بصورة منتظمة فى الحقل خاصة قبيل الحرثة الأخيرة بمعدل من 4 – 6 شكاير للفدان (200-300 كجم/فدان)
بالنسة لأشجار الفاكهة
يوضع السماد قبيل جريان العصارة فى النبات أى فى نهاية فصل الستاء وقبيل دخول فصل الصيف للأشجار
ويضاف بمعدل من 6-8 شكاير للفدان ( 300 – 400 كجم / فدان )
Nitrogen: 15.5%
Calcium oxide: 26% = 18.5 mineral calcium
Compound features:
A quickly soluble fertilizer compound in water, consisting of two ideal elements: nitrogen and calcium, which can be easily absorbed by the plant
This formula is completely soluble in water, which works to provide the plant with these two elements with a high efficiency that is unparalleled in other fertilizers. – This formula is an uncoated granule that dissolves quickly and can be used in greenhouses and open fields, whether through sprinkler or drip irrigation systems.
- Calcium has an effective role in the movement of carbohydrates in the plant and increases the thickness of the outer peel of the fruits, which helps in their transport and storage. - Calcium increases the plant’s resistance to diseases (seed end rot, nail head rot, fruit cracking, prevention and treatment of calcium deficiency)
Calcium works to reduce salinity in the soil when used through drip irrigation. Nitrogen helps build protein quickly inside the plant
Calcium plays an important role in activating enzymes and meristematic tissues in the growing tips and encourages the growth of root hairs
Calcium helps increase production, improve fruit color and thickness, and improve fruit properties
Note: OSHA calcium nitrate dissolves 100% in plain water (complete dissolution)
Usage rates, through fertilization of 3/8 kg per acre or according to the fertilization program or the nature of the land and the plant’s needs.
Phosphorus: 12%
Compound benefits
Vera fertilizer is characterized by containing balanced proportions of the major elements: nitrogen - phosphorus - potassium in the form of an easy-to-absorb grain. It is also loaded with a high percentage of amino acids, monosaccharides, and carboxylic acids, which expand and facilitate the absorption of major and minor elements through the leaves. Vera excels
A- With a high percentage of nitrogen, which facilitates foliar absorption and helps in the formation of a strong vegetative system.
2- The presence of a high percentage of phosphorus, which plays an important role in the flowering process and also works to warm the plant
3- Potassium, which facilitates foliar absorption, plays an important and major role in transporting nutrients to and from the cell. It also helps in the absorption of water, which increases the size of the fruits and the speed of their ripening. Stress over the news
Vera fertilizer contains amino acids that help the plant form a high concentration of hormones and enzymes and reduce the effect of...
Usage rates
Times of use: Drip irrigation, foliar spray per 100 liters of crop water
3-5 times 1 liter/acre 50-150 cm vegetables
4-6 times 1-2 liters/acre 50-200 cm of fruit
Active ingredient: chloropyrifos: 48
Chemical group and organic phosphorus
the definition:
. Chlorestan is available in the form of an emulsifiable preparation
The use of natural solvents makes the compound more efficient in terms of permeability through the skin of the larvae, as well as local permeability to the leaf epidermis, which facilitates the access of the active substance to the larvae located under the epidermis of the leaf, such as (tunnel makers - Tuta absoluta).
Impact method
Chlorestan is well touched and contagious
Chlorestan causes rapid paralysis of treated insect pests, they stop feeding, and eventually die
Benefits of the compound: Line Potash fertilizer is characterized by containing nitrogen and potassium in pure, easy-to-absorb form. It is also loaded with a high percentage of amino acids and carboxylic acids that expand and facilitate the absorption of major and minor elements through the leaves. Line Potash is characterized by the presence of a high percentage of potassium, which facilitates absorption. Line Potash contains amino acids that help the plant to form a high concentration of hormones and enzymes and reduce the effect of stress on the plant.
The importance of potassium for plants
It plays an important role in the mechanics of opening and closing stomata and thus controls the water balance within the plant
It plays an essential role in activating important enzymes in protein formation
It plays a role in the formation of carbohydrates at the fruit formation stage
It has an important role in the apical dominance of the plant
It will help absorb water and nutrients and transfer them to the leaves
Transports mineral salts and carbohydrates to water
Usage rates
Times of use: Drip irrigation, foliar spray per 100 liters of crop water
3-5 times 1 liter/acre 50-150 cm vegetables
4-6 times 1-2 liters/acre 50-200 cm of fruit
38 in stock
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