1.00EGP 0.00EGP
Active ingredient: Andoxocarb
Chemical group, oxadiazine
Definition: An insecticide that is a type of insect pest. It is used on many field crops, vegetables, and fruits, and is suitable for integrated control programs. Indexoside is available in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate, and the use of natural solvents makes the compound’s efficiency higher than the permeability through the skin of the larvae, as well as the local permeability in the leaf epidermis, which facilitates the access of the active substance to the larvae located under the epidermis of the leaf, such as (tunnel makers - Tuta absoluta).
Method of action: Indexoside acts on contact, is contagious, and has a rapid effect
Indexoside is highly effective on all larval stages
It is very effective on newly hatched worms, and it also affects a good percentage of eggs
Indexoside closes the sodium channels inside the nerves, so the larva stops feeding and moving, becomes paralyzed after 4 hours, and dies within a day. 2 days / 4 days.
Indexoside is from a modern group of chemicals that have a great effect and effectiveness on insects (especially lepidopteran worms) that have gained immunity from other carbamate, phosphorous, and pyrethroid compounds, and moult inhibitors.
Pre-harvest period, usage rate, crop pest
3 days 105 cm/acre sugar beet cotton leaf cycle
Global recommendations:
Usage rate, crop lesion
3 days, 25 cm/100 liters of water, grape fruit cycle, grapes
3 days 25 cm / 100 liters of water Butterfly potato tubers Potatoes
3 days, 26.3 cm/100 liters of water, fruit worms, vegetable cycle, cotton paper cycle, tomatoes and peppers
6 days 26.3 cm/100 liters of water European corn cycle Corn
6 days 105 cm/acre cotton leafworm
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Nitrogen: 15%
Phosphorus: 15%
Potassium: 15%
Compound features:
Manufactured from high-quality raw materials that are soluble and quickly absorbed
. Potassium source fertilizer: Potassium titrate is quickly soluble and absorbed
. Fertilizer is a source of phosphorus that is quickly dissolved and absorbed
. High-purity crystalline fertilizer that is completely soluble in water
. It has an acidic effect, which increases the ability of micro and macro elements to be absorbed
It increases branching in both vegetable and fruit crop seedlings
Usage rates
stage to use | Dosage (kg/acre/day) | The crop |
Immediately after transplanting | 2-3 | Vegetables |
Before flowering | 2-4 | the fruit |
Branching stages | 1.5-2 |
Field crops |
P : % 43 ( وزن / حجم )
بوتاسيوم K : % ۲۸
( وزن / حجم ) ماغنسيوم : أ % ( وزن / حجم )
Compound benefits
فوسفيت :
يزيد ويعزز من النمو الجذري يحسن الطعم والتخزين ولون محاصيل الفاكهة نتيجة تمكين النبات من زيادة المواد الصلبة وتحسين خواص الثمار .
يحسن النظام المناعي للنبات حيث يعمل على تحسين مستوى مقاومة النبات للأمراض الفطرية حيث يقي من :
القرعيات و البياض الزغبي والنقيقي و عفن التاج الجذري و البطاطس والطماطم و اللفحة المبكرة
والمتأخرة وعفن الجذور و البياض الزغبي والدقيقى و الفراولة وعفن الجذور والثمار
و الحمضيات و عفن جذور الحمضيات و التفاح
• العنب
Dosage and rate of use:
Application and time of use, usage rates and yield
Foliar spraying every 7 days during the crop growth period (vegetative, floral, fruitful) 1-3 cm/liter of water for vegetables
(tomatoes - potatoes - onions - cucumbers - cantaloupe)
Fertilizing with water. Irrigation 3 days after transplanting. Repeat 2 times a week. 1-1/2 liter/acre. Vegetables (after transplanting)
Foliar spraying every 7 days during the period of vegetative growth, flowering, and fruiting. 2-4 cm/liter of water for fruit and ornamental plants.
The addition is made with head water every 10 days during the growing season, 5 cm per 8 liters for fruit seedlings and ornamental plants (seedlings).
Benefits of the compound: Line Potash fertilizer is characterized by containing nitrogen and potassium in pure, easy-to-absorb form. It is also loaded with a high percentage of amino acids and carboxylic acids that expand and facilitate the absorption of major and minor elements through the leaves. Line Potash is characterized by the presence of a high percentage of potassium, which facilitates absorption. Line Potash contains amino acids that help the plant to form a high concentration of hormones and enzymes and reduce the effect of stress on the plant.
The importance of potassium for plants
It plays an important role in the mechanics of opening and closing stomata and thus controls the water balance within the plant
It plays an essential role in activating important enzymes in protein formation
It plays a role in the formation of carbohydrates at the fruit formation stage
It has an important role in the apical dominance of the plant
It will help absorb water and nutrients and transfer them to the leaves
Transports mineral salts and carbohydrates to water
Usage rates
Times of use: Drip irrigation, foliar spray per 100 liters of crop water
3-5 times 1 liter/acre 50-150 cm vegetables
4-6 times 1-2 liters/acre 50-200 cm of fruit
38 in stock
%phosphorus: 20
% Potassium: 20
Compound features
X-Press is an integrated ground and foliar fertilizer that contains a group of macroelements and microelements that are quickly dissolved and absorbed
X-Press contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in pure, easily absorbed forms, so it increases the total. The vegetative
X-Press treats the symptoms of macro- and micro-element deficiency in plants. X-Press reduces stress resulting from heat and frost
Usage rates
stage to use | Dosage (kg/acre/day) | The crop |
Immediately after transplanting | 2-3 | Vegetables |
Before flowering | 2-4 | the fruit |
Branching stages | 1.5-2 |
Field crops |
89 in stock
سماد ورقي
جيل التركيب نيتروجين : ۶۲۰ – احماض امينية 45 % . ماغنسيوم %۱
امينوجيل سماد ورقي في صورة جيل يحتوي على نيتروجين وماغنسيوم واحماض أمينية حرة لجميع محاصيل الخضر والفاكه لتنشيط التمثيل الغذائي وزيادة طاقة النبات .
يحتوي على تركيز عالي من النيتروجين والاحماض الأمينية الحرة التي تقلل من تأثير الإجهاد الناتج عن الحرارة العالية والصقيع . يزيد بشكل عالي من النمو الخضري الزهري والثمري .
يساعد على تكوين الأوكسينات المسئولة عن عملية الاستطالة في السيقان وكذلك نمو البراعم يحتوي على عنصر الماغنسيوم الذي يدخل في عملية تكوين الكلوروفيل . برفع من انتاجية الفدان بشكل ملحوظ .
Usage rates
يضاف من 1-5 سم / لتر ماء ويكرر كل 10 ايام
75 in stock
Ammonium nitrogen: 1.36%
Nitrate nitrogen: 8.45%
Calcium: 10%
Total nitrogen: 10%
Compound features:
Supercalcium carbonate: an energy compound that works to liberate calcium so that it becomes a cation
Which facilitates and accelerates its rapid absorption and entry into the plant. Also, the presence of the element in the form of a free cation makes the element work within the plant in functional tasks quickly, which reduces calcium deficiency and prevents the appearance of symptoms of calcium deficiency on the plant. Supercalcium chloride increases the plant's immunity against fungal infection.
Supercalciumporer (salt repellent)
The presence of the calcium element in the compound in the form of a free cation facilitates and accelerates the association of the calcium element with chlorine and the expulsion of the sodium element, which is washed through the irrigation water.
An insecticide (growth regulator) that combats many insect pests
Preserves the environment and vital enemies
The ideal solution to increase yield, improve quality and suitability for export
Compatible with control programs
Chemical group
Benzoyl Urea
Method of influence
X-chitin affects contact and is contagious
It is very effective on all larval stages, whether recent weather or advanced larval ages, so their life cycle is not completed. It also affects about 25% of the eggs so they do not hatch, and it affects the pupae, resulting in deformed butterflies. It affects the butterflies so they do not lay eggs or lay abnormal eggs. impregnated
Ags Chitin works to inhibit the formation of the chitin layer, so the moulting process of the worms stops, and thus the worms cannot move from the larval age at the time of treatment to the next larval age. The worms stop feeding within hours, damage to crops stops, and they die within two days.
X-Chitin is a modern chemical group that has a great effect and effectiveness on insects (especially Lepidoptera worms).
X-chitin has gained immunity from other compounds: creatine, phospholipids, pyrethroids, and moult inhibitors.
Pre-harvest period, usage rate, crop pest
14 days, 160 cm/acre, sugar beet cotton leaf cycle
Global recommendations:
Usage rate: crop lesion
14 days, 40 cm/100 liters of water, grape fruit cycle, grapes
21 days 160 cm / water Butterfly potato tubers Potatoes
7 days, 160 cm/water, fruit worms, vegetable cycle, tomato cotton paper cycle
160 cm/acre eggplant stem borer
160 cm/acre cotton cabbage leaf cycle
40 cm/100 liters of water, citrus flower cycle, made by citrus agreement
Zero mixed 160 cm Cymex + 1-2 liters of food attractant / per acre (distributed into 40 lethal packages attached to trees, peach fruit plants
350 cm/100 liters of water or 500 cm/acre injected with drip irrigation Olive flies Olives
96 in stock
Active ingredient: chloropyrifos: 48
Chemical group and organic phosphorus
the definition:
. Chlorestan is available in the form of an emulsifiable preparation
The use of natural solvents makes the compound more efficient in terms of permeability through the skin of the larvae, as well as local permeability to the leaf epidermis, which facilitates the access of the active substance to the larvae located under the epidermis of the leaf, such as (tunnel makers - Tuta absoluta).
Impact method
Chlorestan is well touched and contagious
Chlorestan causes rapid paralysis of treated insect pests, they stop feeding, and eventually die
Free amino acids: 45%
Compound benefits
Nitroaminofertilizer in the form of a paste contains a high percentage of amino acids and nitrogen in a free form that is easily absorbed by all vegetable and fruit crops to stimulate metabolism and increase plant energy.
Nitroamino is characterized by providing the binding energy between amino acids necessary to bind together amino acids, enzymes, and carbohydrates, thus increasing their concentration within the plant.
Nitroamino reduces the effect of stress resulting from high temperature or frost
Nitroamino significantly increases vegetative, flowering and fruit growth, as it helps in the formation of auxins and hormones responsible for the elongation process in the stems, as well as the growth of buds and the formation of flowers and nodes.
Tetroamino significantly increases per-acre production
Dosage and rate of use:
Nitroamino is added at a rate of 1-2 g/liter of water
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