1.00EGP 0.00EGP
26.1%: phosphorus
22.7%: potassium
Compound features
Anti fertilizer is fast absorbed because the elements carry amino acids, carboxylic acids and monosaccharides. The compound is characterized by the presence of phosphorus in two forms: Phosphate as nutrition and phosphate as prevention and treatment of: Fungal diseases such as: Downy mildew and mealybug diseases in onions Cucumber Cantaloupe Grapes
3- Diseases of the fungus of Fitunshra such as: late blight in potatoes and tomatoes
2- Diseases of pythium fungi and fusarium on: seedlings of vegetables and fruits (root rot).
It also contains potassium and also zinc and magnesium, so the Ante compound has a major role in the plant, especially in raising plant immunity, and also works Ante fertilizer to raise the efficiency of the flowering process, nodes, growth and development of fruits in different crops, which increases the size of the crop and quality in terms of color, shape and taste
Dosage and rate of use:
Fertilization (root rot) immediately after seedling and 500 cm / acre
. Fertilization ( Niol Fusarium ) : liter / acre .
Spraying (fungal infection such as downy mildew, mealybug and pollin): 500 cm / 200 liters of water
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Related products
Potassium: 25%
Magnesium: 1%
Compound benefits
Safety potash fertilizer is characterized by containing nitrogen without borate
Phosphorus is easily absorbed, and potassium is in a high percentage (potassium nitrate) in its pure form
Easy to absorb, as it is loaded with a high percentage of amino acids, monosaccharides, and carboxylic acids that accelerate and facilitate the absorption of macro and micro elements through the leaves.
Safety Potash is characterized by the presence of a high percentage of potassium, which facilitates absorption
Potassium plays an important and significant role in transporting nutrients to and from the cell. It also helps absorb water, which increases the size of the fruits and the speed of their ripening.
Safety Potash contains amino acids that help the plant produce a high concentration of hormones and enzymes and reduce the effect of stress on the plant.
Safety potash fertilizer contains microelements in a high percentage that helps in treating the deficiency of elements in plants. Zinc and magnesium also have a major enzymatic role that increases plant immunity.
Usage rates
Times of use: Drip irrigation, foliar spray per 100 liters of crop water
3-5 times 1 liter/acre 50-150 cm vegetables
4-6 times 1-2 liters/acre 50-200 cm of fruit
Total nitrogen
Ammonium nitrogen
Nitrate nitrogen
Benefits of the Hyperroute vehicle:
A new combination of a group of vitamins, organic, amino and carboxylic acids, as well as a high concentration of phosphorus, which facilitates absorption and has a small molecular size. Therefore, complete absorption of the phosphorus element occurs, and the concentration of phosphorus within the plant increases, thus increasing the carrot total, and the results appear quickly after use.
Hyperroot is characterized by containing free phosphorus that is easy and quickly absorbed, and the organic, amino, and carboxylic acids act as a chelating substance, so it can be used in the flowering and setting stages.
Dosage and usage rates
In case of root activation: 2 liters/acre and repeated
In case of flowering: 5 liters/acre and repeated
Foliar spraying: 202 cm/liter of water
Nitrogen 5%
Potassium: 18%
Compound features:
Which gives the compound the following advantages K Which gives the compound the following advantages
Ease of absorption of the element, as the plant depends on absorbing the element through cation exchange, and this means that the plant takes full advantage of all the amount of potassium present in the Joker Safety, in a short time.
Absorption of the element and its entry into the plant in the form of a cation K Free means that the element performs its function inside the plant, which is the process of transporting nutrients inside the fruits. This is what distinguishes Joker Safety fertilizer and makes it give quick results immediately after fertilization, and the speed of storage in the fruits as a result of fertilization with Joker Safety gives quick and noticeable results in sizing the fruits.
It gives the plant all its potassium needs from the day of planting until harvest, without the need to add any other source of potassium.
:معدالات the use
Half a liter to 3 liters per acre, depending on the age of the plant
Nitrogen: 19%
Phosphorus: 19%
Potassium: 19%
Compound features:
Potassium source fertilizer: Potassium nitrate is quickly soluble and absorbed
Phosphorus source fertilizer: urea phosphoric acid and diaminophosphate, which dissolves quickly and absorbs quickly.
High-purity crystalline fertilizer that is completely soluble in water
It has an acidic effect, which increases the ability of micro and macro elements to be absorbed
Branching increases in both vegetable and fruit crop seedlings
Green Line balanced fertilizer for foliar spray
Usage rates
stage to use | Dosage (kg/acre/day) | The crop |
Immediately after transplanting | 2-3 | Vegetables |
Before flowering | 2-4 | the fruit |
Branching stages | 1.5-2 | Field crops |
10%: Nitrogen
Benefits of the compound:
Potassium nitrate: Soad is suitable for all irrigation systems and can be used as a spray on the leaves. It contains nitrogen in an easily absorbed form. This element is important for the formation of protoplasm, which makes up all living cells. It is also involved in the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, and chlorophyll.
It contains potassium in a high concentration in an easily absorbed form, which is the form of potassium nitrate. The element potassium has a large and important role in plants, as it
It helps in the activity of more than 10 enzymes, helps in photosynthesis, and regulates the process of opening and closing stomata. It is responsible for transporting nutrients to and from the cell, so it increases the sugar content in the fruits (Cantilever grapes).
It works to increase the germ content of the cell, so it works to increase the size of fruits (tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini).
Potassium nitrate: It is preferable to use it on tuber crops such as (potatoes, yams, and onions), as it helps increase the plants’ ability to store, thus significantly increasing the size of the tubers and the yield.
Potassium nitrate: important for the formation of flowers and knots, so it is preferable to fertilize it during the flowering and licking stage
Usage rates: - Ground use: from 3-7 liters/acre depending on the crop and age of the plant. – Foliar use: from 22 cm/liter of water during the vegetative growth stage and before flowering
Nitrogen :13%
Potassium: 46%
A fertilizer rich in potassium in the purest and most powerful form of potassium for absorption, which is the form of potassium nitrate. The (Elec) product is distinguished by containing potassium nitrate with a purity of 99.9%. Therefore, the compound is used as a spray on the shoots or ground fertilization to help hold the flowers and size the fruits.
Fertilizer (Potassium Alic) provides additional benefits including
High purity and low percentage of salts. – Humidity level is low. – Low acidity, rapid flow. – Rapid dissolution
– High percentage of nitrogen and potassium
Potassium nitrate (Potassium Alec) is easy and safe to use on crops, flowers, vegetables, strawberries, plants (indoor and outdoor), teak, potatoes, fruit trees, grapes, citrus fruits, pineapples, cotton, bananas, mangos, olives, tomatoes, potatoes, home gardens and green spaces.
يوفر اليك K Many positive effects such as, increased root growth, improves drought resistance, reduces water loss and wilting, improves winter cold resistance and improves resistance to pests and diseases.
Active ingredient: Fluozifop-B-Butyl 15
the definition:
Fluozide is a compound manufactured using natural oils that accelerate the penetration of the active substance into the plant leaf, which means that a higher concentration of the active substance enters the plant and obtains the highest results in controlling annual and perennial weeds in broad-leaved crops.
. – Fluoride is a selective systemic weed killer that is highly effective on many of the main generation weeds in broad-leaved crops. It is used safely and with great effectiveness on more than 10 types of broad-leaved crops that are resistant to annual and perennial cereal weeds.
Advantages of use:
It is used by farmers all over the world because of the many benefits it brings to them by using Fluozide, a selective pesticide that has no effect on broad-leaved crops.
Fuzaid is used after the germination of weeds at any age of broad-leaved crops
Fluozid: It is highly effective in combating annual and perennial grassy weeds
Fluzid is economical to use and highly effective in manual pruning or hoeing
Fluozid: A systemic pesticide that kills grassy weeds
Fluozid: It is safe to use for farms, animals, and the environment alike when applied at moderate levels
How Fluozide works:
Fluzid Majeed is systemic and is quickly absorbed through the leaves and is easily transmitted to all parts of the plant, spreading throughout the growth paths of other plant parts. It ends with the death of the grasses and the effect begins two days after spraying. If the growth of the weeds stops apparently, it becomes unable to absorb water and nutrients and is not competitive with the main crop, after seven days. Symptoms of sage skirts begin to appear from the first time you see the symptoms on the young leaves. Within 4 weeks, the grass turns brown or dark red, rots, and dies within 3 weeks.
The main weeds affected by Fluozide
Perennial grasses, long-lived grasses and evergreen grasses
Annual cereal grasses such as rabbit grass - Al-Zamira Al-Diniyya. Tail leaves before the budding stage. Spraying is done at the age of 2 years - shoots - phalaris.
Uses of Fluozide Hand include the following crops
Field crops (cotton - soybeans - my beans - beets - flax - clover - sunflowers and others).
Vegetable crops (potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cucurbits, beans, cowpeas, watermelon, etc.)
.. Fruit trees and fruit nurseries (lintels, citrus fruits, apples, peaches, apricots, pears, etc.)
Ornamental plants (roses - bulbs - mint - jasmine)
Recommendations of the Ministry of Agriculture
To combat annual and perennial grassy weeds after they appear on the following crops
Onions - Fuse: 1.25 liters per acre
. Potatoes read acres
fetycoon global recommendations
فول السوداني الترا فدان
200/liter per acre with 100 – field crops and vegetable crops
Grass grass - annual at a rate of 5 liters of water. 2 liters of water
Perennial grass grass, at a rate of 1.75 liters/acre with 100
Orchids at a rate of 1.5 liters per acre, 200 liters of water, safety period
It must be taken into account that the period between the last treatment and harvesting of the crop should not be less than 28 days and potatoes 59 days
Active ingredient: Andoxocarb
Chemical group, oxadiazine
Definition: An insecticide that is a type of insect pest. It is used on many field crops, vegetables, and fruits, and is suitable for integrated control programs. Indexoside is available in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate, and the use of natural solvents makes the compound’s efficiency higher than the permeability through the skin of the larvae, as well as the local permeability in the leaf epidermis, which facilitates the access of the active substance to the larvae located under the epidermis of the leaf, such as (tunnel makers - Tuta absoluta).
Method of action: Indexoside acts on contact, is contagious, and has a rapid effect
Indexoside is highly effective on all larval stages
It is very effective on newly hatched worms, and it also affects a good percentage of eggs
Indexoside closes the sodium channels inside the nerves, so the larva stops feeding and moving, becomes paralyzed after 4 hours, and dies within a day. 2 days / 4 days.
Indexoside is from a modern group of chemicals that have a great effect and effectiveness on insects (especially lepidopteran worms) that have gained immunity from other carbamate, phosphorous, and pyrethroid compounds, and moult inhibitors.
Pre-harvest period, usage rate, crop pest
3 days 105 cm/acre sugar beet cotton leaf cycle
Global recommendations:
Usage rate, crop lesion
3 days, 25 cm/100 liters of water, grape fruit cycle, grapes
3 days 25 cm / 100 liters of water Butterfly potato tubers Potatoes
3 days, 26.3 cm/100 liters of water, fruit worms, vegetable cycle, cotton paper cycle, tomatoes and peppers
6 days 26.3 cm/100 liters of water European corn cycle Corn
6 days 105 cm/acre cotton leafworm
Benefits of the compound: Line Potash fertilizer is characterized by containing nitrogen and potassium in pure, easy-to-absorb form. It is also loaded with a high percentage of amino acids and carboxylic acids that expand and facilitate the absorption of major and minor elements through the leaves. Line Potash is characterized by the presence of a high percentage of potassium, which facilitates absorption. Line Potash contains amino acids that help the plant to form a high concentration of hormones and enzymes and reduce the effect of stress on the plant.
The importance of potassium for plants
It plays an important role in the mechanics of opening and closing stomata and thus controls the water balance within the plant
It plays an essential role in activating important enzymes in protein formation
It plays a role in the formation of carbohydrates at the fruit formation stage
It has an important role in the apical dominance of the plant
It will help absorb water and nutrients and transfer them to the leaves
Transports mineral salts and carbohydrates to water
Usage rates
Times of use: Drip irrigation, foliar spray per 100 liters of crop water
3-5 times 1 liter/acre 50-150 cm vegetables
4-6 times 1-2 liters/acre 50-200 cm of fruit
38 in stock
Nitrogen: 17%
Phosphorus: 44%
Compound features:
Dab Phosphoric. It is a fertilizer suitable for all irrigation systems and can be used as a spray on the leaves. It contains nitrogen, which is important for the formation of protoplasm, which makes up all living cells. It is also involved in the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, and chlorophyll. It contains high phosphorus in the form of di-aminophosphate with urea phosphoate, which dissolves quickly and is absorbed. Phosphorus is also responsible for the transformation of carbohydrates, such as starch into sugar, and is involved in the formation of energy-carrying substances. It also works to stimulate the roots. Phosphorus is also important for the formation of flowers and increasing flower formation. Fruits and helps in coloring and ripening the fruits
Usage rates
– Ground use: from 2 to 5 liters per artist, depending on the crop and the age of the plant
– Foliar use: 2-3 cm/L during the vegetative growth stage and before flowering
Compound benefits
FunsoHumic is a fertilizer that contains phosphorus in two forms: Porea Novsoric, the first is phosphate for nourishment and stimulating the roots and the second is for protecting against root organs. The compound also contains a high percentage of humic to stimulate the roots.
Phosphohumic is a fertilizer rich in potassium. It is a source of potassium phosphate and potassium humate. Therefore, phosphohumic helps in developing a strong plant.
Usage rates: kg of randan after transplanting.
99 in stock
نيتروجين : %6
فوسفور: 6 %
بوتاسيوم: 43 %
Benefits of the compound:
Compound benefits
Manufactured from high-quality raw materials that are soluble and quickly absorbed
.سماد يحتوي عالي نسبه عالية من البوتاسيوم غني بنترات البوتاسيوم سريع الذوبان والامتصاص لذلك يسخدام في تحجيم الثمار وزياده الانتاج
.سماد مصدر الفوسفور سريع الذوبان والامتصاص
. High-purity crystalline fertilizer that is completely soluble in water
.حامضى التاثير مما يزيد من صلاحية العناصر الصغرى والكبرى للامتصاص
. يزيد التفريع في كل من شتلات محاصيل الخضار والفاكهة
Usage rates
stage to use | Dosage (kg/acre/day) | The crop |
Immediately after transplanting | 2-3 | Vegetables |
Before flowering | 2-4 | the fruit |
Branching stages | 1.5-2 | Field crops |
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