Agri Multi Safety
1.00EGP 0.00EGP
Nitrogen: 15%
Phosphorus: 15%
Potassium: 15%
Compound features:
Manufactured from high-quality raw materials that are soluble and quickly absorbed
. Potassium source fertilizer: Potassium titrate is quickly soluble and absorbed
. Fertilizer is a source of phosphorus that is quickly dissolved and absorbed
. High-purity crystalline fertilizer that is completely soluble in water
. It has an acidic effect, which increases the ability of micro and macro elements to be absorbed
It increases branching in both vegetable and fruit crop seedlings
Usage rates
stage to use | Dosage (kg/acre/day) | The crop |
Immediately after transplanting | 2-3 | Vegetables |
Before flowering | 2-4 | the fruit |
Branching stages | 1.5-2 |
Field crops |
Based on 0 reviews
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Related products
%phosphorus: 20
% Potassium: 20
Compound features
X-Press is an integrated ground and foliar fertilizer that contains a group of macroelements and microelements that are quickly dissolved and absorbed
X-Press contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in pure, easily absorbed forms, so it increases the total. The vegetative
X-Press treats the symptoms of macro- and micro-element deficiency in plants. X-Press reduces stress resulting from heat and frost
Usage rates
stage to use | Dosage (kg/acre/day) | The crop |
Immediately after transplanting | 2-3 | Vegetables |
Before flowering | 2-4 | the fruit |
Branching stages | 1.5-2 |
Field crops |
89 in stock
A distinct compound because it contains the element magnesium in the form of magnesium nitrate, which is one of the best forms ever through which magnesium is absorbed into the plant.
Compound features
Magnesium plays an important role as it acts as an activator for some enzymes responsible for transporting phosphorus in the metabolism process.
Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of proteins and is considered the primary color and central element of the chlorophyll molecule. Therefore, it is essential in the process of photosynthesis and thus increases production rates and raises the quality of crops.
. Magnesium is the primary regulator of potassium absorption within the plant and acts as a waxy layer on the plant's fruits
– The presence of nitrogen for protein formation within the plant
- It works to increase crop productivity
Usage rates
Foliar spraying: 3-5 g per liter or according to the fertilization program
Ground fertilization: 3-5 kg per acre or according to the fertilization program
Free amino acids: 45%
Compound benefits
Nitroaminofertilizer in the form of a paste contains a high percentage of amino acids and nitrogen in a free form that is easily absorbed by all vegetable and fruit crops to stimulate metabolism and increase plant energy.
Nitroamino is characterized by providing the binding energy between amino acids necessary to bind together amino acids, enzymes, and carbohydrates, thus increasing their concentration within the plant.
Nitroamino reduces the effect of stress resulting from high temperature or frost
Nitroamino significantly increases vegetative, flowering and fruit growth, as it helps in the formation of auxins and hormones responsible for the elongation process in the stems, as well as the growth of buds and the formation of flowers and nodes.
Tetroamino significantly increases per-acre production
Dosage and rate of use:
Nitroamino is added at a rate of 1-2 g/liter of water
the definition:
Fina Bayer is available in the form of a concentrate that can be emulsified and the use of natural solvents makes the compound’s efficiency higher than the permeability through the skin of the caterpillars, as well as the local permeability in the leaf epidermis, which facilitates the access of the active substance to the larvae located under the leaf epidermis, such as (tunnel makers - Tuta absoluta).
Venapyr is an acaricidal and insecticide. It belongs to a new chemical group (pyrrole) that was discovered among natural insecticides.
Vinapyr is an acaricide with a very effective and long-lasting effect against various acaricides, thus protecting crops during the growing season with fewer sprays compared to many sprays with other pesticides.
Venapyr is an acaricide with a new, distinctive and effective formula against acaricides that have gained immunity from other acaricides. Tests showed that there are no strains resistant to the active ingredient chlorfenapyr.
Pre-harvest period, usage rate, crop pest
3 days 300 cm/acre beet fly sugar beet
21 days 75 cm/100 liters of water Citrus scale insects
Global connections:
Usage rate, crop lesion
250 cm/100 liters of onion thrips
50 cm/100 liters of water from potato manna
50 cm/100 liters of manna water, bean tunnel makers
100-125 cm/100 liters of water: aphids, whiteflies, cucurbit thrips
100 cm / 100 liters of water Aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, scale insects, ornamental plants
100 cm / 100 liters of water, manna, jassid, peach - apricot
350 cm/acre, injected with drip irrigation for grape mealybugs
350 cm / 100 liters of water or 500 cm / acre by injection with drip irrigation Tunnel makers, mealybugs, citrus scale insects
20-30 cm/palm 100 cm/100 liters of water Red palm weevil, palm scale insects
the components:
Potassium: %8
25%: iron
Manganese: 5%
Manganese: 5%
Magnesium: 5%
Compound benefits
Sheri Eit fertilizer is characterized by containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (potassium nitrate) in a pure form that is easy to absorb. It is also loaded with a high percentage of amino acids, monosaccharides, and carboxylic acids, which facilitate and facilitate the absorption of major and minor elements through the leaves.
Three-Eight is characterized by the presence of a high percentage of amino acids that help the plant to form a high concentration of hormones and enzymes and reduce the effect of stress on the plant.
Gray Alt fertilizer contains microelements in a high percentage that helps in treating the deficiency of elements in plants. Zinc and magnesium also play an important enzymatic role in increasing plant immunity
Usage rates
Times of use: Drip irrigation, foliar spray per 100 liters of crop water
3-5 times 1 liter/acre 50-150 cm vegetables
4-6 times 1-2 liters/acre 50-200 cm of fruit
Nitrogen, 10%
: Phosphorus (P)
: 10 Potassium (K)
Compound benefits
First contains the elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in pure and easily absorbed forms, so it increases the vegetative and flower systems.
. First contains a high concentration of phosphorus, so it is characterized by...
1- Increases the amount of flowers and knots
2- Activates the formation of roots
3-. It helps plants bury it in case of frost
4- It helps adjust the spray solution
5- Increases plant energy
Dosage and rate of use:
First is added at a rate of 1-3 g/liter of water
99 in stock
Nitrogen: 15.5%
Calcium oxide: 26% = 18.5 mineral calcium
Compound features:
A quickly soluble fertilizer compound in water, consisting of two ideal elements: nitrogen and calcium, which can be easily absorbed by the plant
This formula is completely soluble in water, which works to provide the plant with these two elements with a high efficiency that is unparalleled in other fertilizers. – This formula is an uncoated granule that dissolves quickly and can be used in greenhouses and open fields, whether through sprinkler or drip irrigation systems.
- Calcium has an effective role in the movement of carbohydrates in the plant and increases the thickness of the outer peel of the fruits, which helps in their transport and storage. - Calcium increases the plant’s resistance to diseases (seed end rot, nail head rot, fruit cracking, prevention and treatment of calcium deficiency)
Calcium works to reduce salinity in the soil when used through drip irrigation. Nitrogen helps build protein quickly inside the plant
Calcium plays an important role in activating enzymes and meristematic tissues in the growing tips and encourages the growth of root hairs
Calcium helps increase production, improve fruit color and thickness, and improve fruit properties
Note: OSHA calcium nitrate dissolves 100% in plain water (complete dissolution)
Usage rates, through fertilization of 3/8 kg per acre or according to the fertilization program or the nature of the land and the plant’s needs.
Nitrogen: 17%
Phosphorus: 44%
Compound features:
Dab Phosphoric. It is a fertilizer suitable for all irrigation systems and can be used as a spray on the leaves. It contains nitrogen, which is important for the formation of protoplasm, which makes up all living cells. It is also involved in the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, and chlorophyll. It contains high phosphorus in the form of di-aminophosphate with urea phosphoate, which dissolves quickly and is absorbed. Phosphorus is also responsible for the transformation of carbohydrates, such as starch into sugar, and is involved in the formation of energy-carrying substances. It also works to stimulate the roots. Phosphorus is also important for the formation of flowers and increasing flower formation. Fruits and helps in coloring and ripening the fruits
Usage rates
– Ground use: from 2 to 5 liters per artist, depending on the crop and the age of the plant
– Foliar use: 2-3 cm/L during the vegetative growth stage and before flowering
سماد ورقي
جيل التركيب نيتروجين : ۶۲۰ – احماض امينية 45 % . ماغنسيوم %۱
امينوجيل سماد ورقي في صورة جيل يحتوي على نيتروجين وماغنسيوم واحماض أمينية حرة لجميع محاصيل الخضر والفاكه لتنشيط التمثيل الغذائي وزيادة طاقة النبات .
يحتوي على تركيز عالي من النيتروجين والاحماض الأمينية الحرة التي تقلل من تأثير الإجهاد الناتج عن الحرارة العالية والصقيع . يزيد بشكل عالي من النمو الخضري الزهري والثمري .
يساعد على تكوين الأوكسينات المسئولة عن عملية الاستطالة في السيقان وكذلك نمو البراعم يحتوي على عنصر الماغنسيوم الذي يدخل في عملية تكوين الكلوروفيل . برفع من انتاجية الفدان بشكل ملحوظ .
Usage rates
يضاف من 1-5 سم / لتر ماء ويكرر كل 10 ايام
75 in stock
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