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  • -100%Limited
    Phospho Spain 0.00EGP


    Nitrogen: 17%

    Phosphorus: 44%

    Compound features: 

    Dab Phosphoric. It is a fertilizer suitable for all irrigation systems and can be used as a spray on the leaves. It contains nitrogen, which is important for the formation of protoplasm, which makes up all living cells. It is also involved in the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, and chlorophyll. It contains high phosphorus in the form of di-aminophosphate with urea phosphoate, which dissolves quickly and is absorbed. Phosphorus is also responsible for the transformation of carbohydrates, such as starch into sugar, and is involved in the formation of energy-carrying substances. It also works to stimulate the roots. Phosphorus is also important for the formation of flowers and increasing flower formation. Fruits and helps in coloring and ripening the fruits

     Usage rates

    – Ground use: from 2 to 5 liters per artist, depending on the crop and the age of the plant

     – Foliar use: 2-3 cm/L during the vegetative growth stage and before flowering

  • Phosphohumic 380.00EGP

    Compound benefits
    FunsoHumic is a fertilizer that contains phosphorus in two forms: Porea Novsoric, the first is phosphate for nourishment and stimulating the roots and the second is for protecting against root organs. The compound also contains a high percentage of humic to stimulate the roots.
    Phosphohumic is a fertilizer rich in potassium. It is a source of potassium phosphate and potassium humate. Therefore, phosphohumic helps in developing a strong plant.
    Usage rates: kg of randan after transplanting.

    99 in stock

  • -13%Limited
    Phosphate 210.00EGP


    P : % 43 ( وزن / حجم )
    بوتاسيوم K : % ۲۸
    ( وزن / حجم ) ماغنسيوم : أ % ( وزن / حجم )
    Compound benefits
    فوسفيت :
    يزيد ويعزز من النمو الجذري يحسن الطعم والتخزين ولون محاصيل الفاكهة نتيجة تمكين النبات من زيادة المواد الصلبة وتحسين خواص الثمار .
    يحسن النظام المناعي للنبات حيث يعمل على تحسين مستوى مقاومة النبات للأمراض الفطرية حيث يقي من :
    القرعيات و البياض الزغبي والنقيقي و عفن التاج الجذري و البطاطس والطماطم و اللفحة المبكرة
    والمتأخرة وعفن الجذور و البياض الزغبي والدقيقى و الفراولة وعفن الجذور والثمار
    و الحمضيات و عفن جذور الحمضيات و التفاح
    • العنب
    Dosage and rate of use:
    Application and time of use, usage rates and yield
    Foliar spraying every 7 days during the crop growth period (vegetative, floral, fruitful) 1-3 cm/liter of water for vegetables
    (tomatoes - potatoes - onions - cucumbers - cantaloupe)
    Fertilizing with water. Irrigation 3 days after transplanting. Repeat 2 times a week. 1-1/2 liter/acre. Vegetables (after transplanting)
    Foliar spraying every 7 days during the period of vegetative growth, flowering, and fruiting. 2-4 cm/liter of water for fruit and ornamental plants.
    The addition is made with head water every 10 days during the growing season, 5 cm per 8 liters for fruit seedlings and ornamental plants (seedlings).

  • HOT-100%Limited
    Vira 0.00EGP


    Phosphorus: 12%

    Compound benefits 
    Vera fertilizer is characterized by containing balanced proportions of the major elements: nitrogen - phosphorus - potassium in the form of an easy-to-absorb grain. It is also loaded with a high percentage of amino acids, monosaccharides, and carboxylic acids, which expand and facilitate the absorption of major and minor elements through the leaves. Vera excels
    A- With a high percentage of nitrogen, which facilitates foliar absorption and helps in the formation of a strong vegetative system. 
    2- The presence of a high percentage of phosphorus, which plays an important role in the flowering process and also works to warm the plant
    3- Potassium, which facilitates foliar absorption, plays an important and major role in transporting nutrients to and from the cell. It also helps in the absorption of water, which increases the size of the fruits and the speed of their ripening. Stress over the news
    Vera fertilizer contains amino acids that help the plant form a high concentration of hormones and enzymes and reduce the effect of...

    Usage rates
    Times of use: Drip irrigation, foliar spray per 100 liters of crop water
    3-5 times 1 liter/acre 50-150 cm vegetables
    4-6 times 1-2 liters/acre 50-200 cm of fruit

  • -100%Limited
    Fenabyr 0.00EGP

    the definition:
    Fina Bayer is available in the form of a concentrate that can be emulsified and the use of natural solvents makes the compound’s efficiency higher than the permeability through the skin of the caterpillars, as well as the local permeability in the leaf epidermis, which facilitates the access of the active substance to the larvae located under the leaf epidermis, such as (tunnel makers - Tuta absoluta).
    Venapyr is an acaricidal and insecticide. It belongs to a new chemical group (pyrrole) that was discovered among natural insecticides.
    Vinapyr is an acaricide with a very effective and long-lasting effect against various acaricides, thus protecting crops during the growing season with fewer sprays compared to many sprays with other pesticides.
     Venapyr is an acaricide with a new, distinctive and effective formula against acaricides that have gained immunity from other acaricides. Tests showed that there are no strains resistant to the active ingredient chlorfenapyr.

    Pre-harvest period, usage rate, crop pest
    3 days 300 cm/acre beet fly sugar beet
    21 days 75 cm/100 liters of water Citrus scale insects

    Global connections:
    Usage rate, crop lesion
    250 cm/100 liters of onion thrips
    50 cm/100 liters of water from potato manna
    50 cm/100 liters of manna water, bean tunnel makers
    100-125 cm/100 liters of water: aphids, whiteflies, cucurbit thrips
    100 cm / 100 liters of water Aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, scale insects, ornamental plants
    100 cm / 100 liters of water, manna, jassid, peach - apricot
    350 cm/acre, injected with drip irrigation for grape mealybugs
    350 cm / 100 liters of water or 500 cm / acre by injection with drip irrigation Tunnel makers, mealybugs, citrus scale insects
    20-30 cm/palm 100 cm/100 liters of water Red palm weevil, palm scale insects

  • -100%Limited
    Calcioporer gel (energy complex) 0.00EGP


      Ammonium nitrogen: 1.36% 

    Nitrate nitrogen: 8.45%

    Calcium: 10%

    Total nitrogen: 10%

    Compound features:

    Supercalcium carbonate: an energy compound that works to liberate calcium so that it becomes a cation   

    Which facilitates and accelerates its rapid absorption and entry into the plant. Also, the presence of the element in the form of a free cation makes the element work within the plant in functional tasks quickly, which reduces calcium deficiency and prevents the appearance of symptoms of calcium deficiency on the plant. Supercalcium chloride increases the plant's immunity against fungal infection. 

      Supercalciumporer (salt repellent)

    The presence of the calcium element in the compound in the form of a free cation facilitates and accelerates the association of the calcium element with chlorine and the expulsion of the sodium element, which is washed through the irrigation water.

  • -100%Limited
    Chloristan 0.00EGP

    Active ingredient: chloropyrifos: 48
    Chemical group and organic phosphorus
    the definition:
    . Chlorestan is available in the form of an emulsifiable preparation
    The use of natural solvents makes the compound more efficient in terms of permeability through the skin of the larvae, as well as local permeability to the leaf epidermis, which facilitates the access of the active substance to the larvae located under the epidermis of the leaf, such as (tunnel makers - Tuta absoluta).
    Impact method
     Chlorestan is well touched and contagious
    Chlorestan causes rapid paralysis of treated insect pests, they stop feeding, and eventually die

  • -100%Limited
    Line Potas 0.00EGP


    Benefits of the compound: Line Potash fertilizer is characterized by containing nitrogen and potassium in pure, easy-to-absorb form. It is also loaded with a high percentage of amino acids and carboxylic acids that expand and facilitate the absorption of major and minor elements through the leaves. Line Potash is characterized by the presence of a high percentage of potassium, which facilitates absorption. Line Potash contains amino acids that help the plant to form a high concentration of hormones and enzymes and reduce the effect of stress on the plant.
    The importance of potassium for plants
     It plays an important role in the mechanics of opening and closing stomata and thus controls the water balance within the plant
     It plays an essential role in activating important enzymes in protein formation
     It plays a role in the formation of carbohydrates at the fruit formation stage
     It has an important role in the apical dominance of the plant
    It will help absorb water and nutrients and transfer them to the leaves
    Transports mineral salts and carbohydrates to water
    Usage rates
    Times of use: Drip irrigation, foliar spray per 100 liters of crop water
    3-5 times 1 liter/acre 50-150 cm vegetables
    4-6 times 1-2 liters/acre 50-200 cm of fruit

    38 in stock

  • -100%Limited
  • -100%Limited
    Magnesium nitrate 0.00EGP

    chemical composition:
    Nitrogen: 5%
    Magnesium: 8%
    Compound features:
    Magnesium nitrate: A liquid fertilizer that contains magnesium in the form of magnesium nitrate. Therefore, it is an easy fertilizer for plants to absorb and treats magnesium deficiency.
    Liquid magnesium nitrate fertilizer is used through modern irrigation methods, as well as sprayed on the leaves
    The importance of magnesium for plants
    It is included in the synthesis of chlorophyll and participates in the movement of phosphorus in plants and in the exchange of carbohydrates
    It affects the oxidation and reduction activity, and magnesium is included in the synthesis of the organic compound, which is considered the basic reserve of phosphorus
    In case of magnesium deficiency, the chlorophyll content in the green parts of the plant decreases, and yellowing develops between the veins of the leaf, and the veins remain green.
    A severe deficiency in the element magnesium leads to the marble appearance of the leaves, their twisting and yellowing, and the deficiency of this element appears on leafy crops in poor sandy and subsandy soils with an acidic reaction.
    Usage rates
    Ground use: from 3:1 liters/acre, depending on age and type of crop
    Foliar use: 2-3 cm/liter of water during the vegetative, flowering and fruiting growth stages

  • -100%Limited
    Nitro Amino 0.00EGP

    Free amino acids: 45%
    Compound benefits
    Nitroaminofertilizer in the form of a paste contains a high percentage of amino acids and nitrogen in a free form that is easily absorbed by all vegetable and fruit crops to stimulate metabolism and increase plant energy. 
    Nitroamino is characterized by providing the binding energy between amino acids necessary to bind together amino acids, enzymes, and carbohydrates, thus increasing their concentration within the plant.
    Nitroamino reduces the effect of stress resulting from high temperature or frost 
    Nitroamino significantly increases vegetative, flowering and fruit growth, as it helps in the formation of auxins and hormones responsible for the elongation process in the stems, as well as the growth of buds and the formation of flowers and nodes.
    Tetroamino significantly increases per-acre production
    Dosage and rate of use:
    Nitroamino is added at a rate of 1-2 g/liter of water

  • -100%Limited
    Hyper Root 0.00EGP

    Total nitrogen
    Ammonium nitrogen
    Nitrate nitrogen
    Benefits of the Hyperroute vehicle:
    A new combination of a group of vitamins, organic, amino and carboxylic acids, as well as a high concentration of phosphorus, which facilitates absorption and has a small molecular size. Therefore, complete absorption of the phosphorus element occurs, and the concentration of phosphorus within the plant increases, thus increasing the carrot total, and the results appear quickly after use. 
    Hyperroot is characterized by containing free phosphorus that is easy and quickly absorbed, and the organic, amino, and carboxylic acids act as a chelating substance, so it can be used in the flowering and setting stages. 
    Dosage and usage rates
      In case of root activation: 2 liters/acre and repeated 
     In case of flowering: 5 liters/acre and repeated
     Foliar spraying: 202 cm/liter of water

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